Funds raised will help with us build needed decision-making spaces in 2025
Please consider making a contribution to PBI-USA on Giving Tuesday to help us reach our goal of $2,000. Funds raised will help us cover the cost of planning for the National Gathering, scheduled for Memorial Day Weekend 2025. Following the PBI General Assembly held in Lisbon, Portugal in November 2024, PBI-USA plans to hold a National Gathering to review the newly adopted strategic plan and align the goals and priorities of the U.S. country group with that of the global organization.
When we are strong, we are capable of providing even more support to threatened human rights defenders worldwide.
Will you help us reach our goal with a donation today?
PBI is a leading NGO working to protect human rights defenders at risk. Each day human rights defenders speak out for the rights of others. Each day they risk their livelihoods, their liberty and, in many cases, their lives.
No other organization in the world supports threatened human rights defenders in the way PBI does. We stand alongside human rights defenders, we learn from them, and echo their voices. We keep them safe, and we work to ensure their voices are heard.
We provide life-saving support to community leaders and other human rights defenders in some of the most dangerous countries in the world, with field projects in Latin America, Asia and Africa.